Nice to meet you

I’m Tyler, an independent marketing contractor.
I enjoy what I do. But most importantly, I’m good at what I do.

till now

It’s 1995. I have just enough RAM to play Warcraft: Orcs & Humans on our family computer… a Power Macintosh “Pizza Box”. I was already accustomed to Windows 95, but I loved how simple and intentional every bit of the Mac operating system UX was in comparison. When I wasn’t playing the original Warcraft or Duke Nukem demo CD, I was teaching myself Photoshop and exploring the depths of system file directories… Being a nerd.

That same year marked my first campaign work. I ran for (and won) 5th grade student council using Forrest Gump as my theme. I scanned images from the cover of our VHS tape to create flyers, and handed out sample boxes of chocolates to prospective voters. The next year they banned the distribution of sweets “because it gave candidates an unfair advantage.”

A couple years later, my mom started a short-lived golf score card making business. Most of the company sponsors to be advertised on the cards would send small, pixelated images of their logos which would have looked terrible when printed. My mom gave me a buck or two for each logo I recreated in Adobe Illustrator. I didn’t know the program, but using my self-taught Photoshop skills, I learned my way around Illustrator and made dozens of logos… and like, $30 that summer.

Skip forward. In high school I enrolled in as many computer classes as I could. My favorites were Desktop Publishing and HTML.

In college, not knowing initially what I wanted to do with my life, I centered most of my electives around computers and art. Eventually I took a Graphic Design course and my professor convinced me to to turn it into a career. Shortly thereafter, I transferred to Hickey College in St. Louis, ultimately earning my degree in Graphic & Web Design.

After college. In my previous position of 10+ years, I was fortunate to have been able to work on such a wide variety of creative/marketing projects and countless development/web application builds.

In 2021, I moved to Indianapolis to be close to family. I took a leap of faith, leaving my old job behind to start my own gig… Possibly the best decision I’ve ever made.

I work with a variety of clients and have done every type of marketing you can imagine. And I love it.

till now

Web App,
& Language Skills


Take a look around

If you haven’t already, check out the projects I’ve worked on. Unfortunately I am only able to show you some of my work without a password. If you’re interested, introduce yourself! My website is always a work in progress so be sure to check in again soon.

In my free time

In my free time

Other than marketing, design, and web development, some of my hobbies include but are not limited to: